Tips to Reduce Electricity Bill

10 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Electricity Bill

We all suffer from huge electricity bills nowadays and are looking for ways to reduce them by some fractions. To help you with this, we are presenting you with 10 easy ways to reduce electricity use and save money.

1. Switch to LED Bulbs

LED bulbs use 75% less electricity than incandescent bulbs. They cost more at purchase, but as they last longer, they save us money in the long run. If we replace our regular bulbs with LEDs, we’ll see a difference in our bill.

2. Turn Off Lights and Fans

An average 60-watt bulb can cost us 500 Rs. excluding monthly taxes, if we leave it on. This simple habit of turning off the lights and fans can save us a lot. We should switch off the lights and fans when we leave the room. It’s easy to forget that, but we’ll see significant savings if we make it a habit.

3. Use Sun Light

We have around 6-7 hours of sunlight in Pakistan. We should utilize that by opening our curtains and letting the natural light in during the day. We won’t need to turn on lights, and our homes will feel brighter and more open during the day.

4. Unplug Devices When Not in Use

Almost every one of us has a habit of leaving things plugged in. Most of these devices use electricity even when turned off or not used. This is called “standby power.” This standby power is responsible for 10% of our household electricity bill. We should unplug our TV, computer, and phone charger when not using them, Or we can use a power strip and turn it off when we’re done.

5. Use Our Washing Machine Wisely

Washing small loads wastes water and electricity. We should wait until we have a whole load of clothes before running our washing machine, and we can also opt for cold water whenever possible.

6. Keep Our Fridge Efficient

Our fridge is always on and thus uses a lot of electricity. We cannot turn it off, but we can keep it running well by not putting hot food inside, cleaning the back coils of the fridge, and ensuring the doors are closed correctly.

7. Use Fans Instead of AC

Air conditioners consume around 3000-3500 watts of power per hour. We can use fans instead of AC to reduce electricity usage in mild weather. They use much less electricity, around 50 Watts per hour and can keep us comfortable. If we must use AC, setting it to 26°C or higher gives us the best energy saving.

8. Maintain Our Air Conditioner

If we use AC, We should keep it in good shape by cleaning the filters regularly and servicing them once a year. A well-maintained AC uses less electricity and cools better than the one not maintained for long. We should also choose inverter AC because of their newest technology to reduce electricity consumption

9. Cook Smart

When cooking, we can use lids on our pots and pans. This traps heat and cooks food faster, using less energy. Also, let’s try to use the correct size burner for our pot. A small pot on an immense burner wastes heat and electricity.

10. Use Energy-Saving Settings

Many appliances have energy-saving modes. We can use these on our TVs, computers, and other devices. They might take a bit longer to start up, but they use less power overall. By following these simple tips, we can lower our electricity bills without spending money.

You should start with a few changes and see how much you can save. Remember, small habits can lead to significant savings over time. Not only will you save money, but we’ll also help the environment by using less energy. So why wait? Let’s start saving electricity and money today!